Team news and updates.

No Albatross Open in 2025
by Cathy Gainor
Sadly, the Montgomery Ancient Mariners will not be able to hold the Albatross Open this year due to the renovation of the Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center. We cannot hold the meet at the other county-owned pools, and other nearby pools were cost-prohibitive.
We Have a New Look!
by Dottie Buchhagen
The ANCM website has been redesigned thanks to the hard work of the Website Committee chaired by me and consisting of Hannah Rubin and, in the early stages, Todd Moniot and Mia Garcia-Cortez. We have put a lot of work and thought into how to best present our swim team to the public. Content from the old website has been incorporated but in different arrangements. During the pandemic I made the decision to resign from my positions as newsletter editor, website designer and webmaster, and unofficial team photographer. It seemed like the right decision after volunteering in those capacities since 1997.
Items of Interest
Check out the swim books written by Head Coach Tom Denes. Click on a book to see its contents and reviews
2024 Ancient Mariners annual meeting
Date: 27 October 2024 Written by: Tom Denes, Secretary Participants: Cathy Gainor, Dave Harmon, Nanci Sundel, Tom Denes, Martin Lespada, Kara Permisohn, Marci Goldberg, Julie Goldberg, Dottie Buchhagen, Chris McPhaul , Todd Moses, Jeff Dubin, John McCaffrey, Sangeeta Bhargava, Kay Coulter Cathy Gainor and Tom Denes hosted the meeting. The meeting was called to order by President Cathy Gainor at…
Morning Practices begin on Tuesday, October 22
Starting Tuesday, October 22, ANCM practices will start at the Silver Spring Recreation and Aquatic Center (SSRAC) on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. The Wednesday evening practices at SSRAC will no longer be held. Check the Practice Schedule for the pool location. Parking at the Cameron Street garage, which is…
New Fall/Winter/Spring Practice Schedule
With the closing of the KSAC for a much-need renovation, our practice schedule is still a bit up in the air. Go to the Practice Schedule page for the pools and practice sessions that we have finalized so far. We are still working on finding an additional facility to replace the Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday…
Sign up for Fall/Winter/Spring 2024-2025 Session
The easiest way to sign up for both practice and USMS is to click on “Join” on the top menu bar, and follow the directions.