Welcome to the Ancient Mariners

We are a masters swim team in Montgomery County, Maryland.

We offer coached practices most days of the week in locations around the county. Learn more about our team and practices below. Our members range in age from the 20s to the 80s. Some like to compete, while others swim for fitness and community. We hope you’ll join us!

Team News & Updates

We Have a New Look!

By Dottie Buchhagen 11/05/2023

The ANCM website has been redesigned thanks to the hard work of the Website Committee chaired by me and consisting of Hannah Rubin and, in the early stages, Todd Moniot and Mia Garcia-Cortez. We have put a lot of work and thought into how to best present our swim team to the public. Content from the old website has been incorporated but in different arrangements. During the pandemic I made the decision to resign from my positions as newsletter editor, website designer and webmaster, and unofficial team photographer. It seemed like the right decision after volunteering in those capacities since 1997.

Website Contact Information

Webmaster: Dottie Buchhagen (dbuch@mindspring.com)